
It's the most wonderful time of the year.

As Christmas draws near, individuals begin to plan their holiday traditions. Children look forward to Santa Claus and presents under the tree. Others are eager for time with family and loved ones. However, these traditions are American made and were not always present.

What is the history of Christmas?
Across the world, Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus on Christmas day. However, December 25th was a different holiday at one point in time.

The History Channel website explains that "early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter." The middle of winter was very significant, for it was the time of the winter solstice. The people could look forward to longer days filled with sunlight; the celebrations were largely accompanied by fresh meat and wine and beer.

Saturnalia was a popular celebration held in Rome during the winter solstice. It is said that Pope Julius 1 chose December 25th as a way to incorporate practices from the Saturnalia festival. The History Channel reports that December 25th was decided because "holding Christmas at the same time as traditional solstice festivals would increase the chances of Christmas being celebrated." The pagan holiday was transformed into a religious holiday by the Middle Ages.

Christmas took a different approach in the United States. The story of St. Nicholas was popular throughout Europe because it emphasized his generosity and good deeds. The Library of Congress states that the Dutch brought the story of St. Nicholas when they settled in the U.S. St. Nicholas became known as Santa Claus, a man with a red suit and white beard who rewarded good children with presents on Christmas day.

What is the history behind the tradition of Christmas lights?
Decorating homes and Christmas trees has become a popular Christmas tradition. Before the invention of electric strands of lights, families decorated Christmas trees with candles. This was a very dangerous custom, for the open flame caused many house fires. The Library of Congress points out that Thomas Edison, Edward Johnson, and Albert Sadacca were contributed with the invention of electric Christmas lights. In 1880, Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, created the first strand of electric lights. Johnson created the first strand of electric Christmas lights by hand wiring red, white, and blue bulbs. Even though Edison and Johnson created the lightbulb, Sadacca made a business out of selling Christmas lights which lasted up until the 1960s.

What is the winter outlook for this year?
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration claims that "La Nina has a 55-65% chance of developing before winter, although it will be short and weak." As a result, the north will have above average precipitation and colder temperatures, whereas, the south will have below average precipitation and drier conditions.

What are some safety tips for this winter?
Winter can be a dangerous season for some places that receive a lot of snow and ice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares some advice about "winterizing" your home, precautions for the outdoors, tips for traveling, and much more. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides winter driving tips to encourage safe driving this holiday season.

What are your plans for this winter break. Does your family celebrate any unique traditions?

As we all leave for winter break, the OSU Government Documents wishes you a happy holiday. 

- by Emily Hancz
