International Trade Administration

 The International Trade Administration (ITA) is the United States government resource "for competing in global marketplace." Through ITA, businesses can learn about exports, trade data, regulations, and much more. It is the perfect resource for businesses looking to grow.

 What is the International Trade Administration?

The ITA - - falls under the U.S. Department of Commerce, and aims to do four things:
  • Promote U.S. exports
  • Attract inbound investment
  • Provide actionable data and information
  • Defend against unfair trade
With trade exports and staff in more than 100 U.S. cities and 80 international markets, ITA is crucial for business expansion and the opportunities that lie in foreign markets. The organization offers information on global markets, industry and analysis, and enforcement and compliance

The International Trade Administration's mission is to:

"Create prosperity by strengthening the international competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements."

Export Solutions

ITA has developed a series of tools to address U.S. exporters wanting to grow into the world of international sales. Export solutions aims to "provide practical advice and business tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets." The set of resources provided are pictured below, along with descriptions of a few. 

Learn How to Export

ITA has the resources needed to not only access if your company is ready to enter markets, but also explains how to do so! ITA offers an informative video series on export planning, which can be seen below.

To succeed in exports, it's important to do your research and find the markets that will maximize a company's efforts. Research can be done through countries, free trade agreements, industries, market intelligence, and foreign trade remedy actions. This section also offers videos to guide viewers through this research process. 

Once companies have identified their foreign buyers, it's time for product preparation and shipping considerations. Certain freight forwarders specialize in shipments, so research is crucial in shipping items. ITA offers a video showing product preparation; they also have tools related to shipping documentation, customs information, and export trading company

Research Center

ITA's team explores and identifies aspects of the "world of trade data and analysis." There are multiple ways to discover reports and data through the following: 

Users can also find information by country. The tools include Country Commercial Guides and Market Diversification Tool. ITA offers guides on particular trade topics like:

When conducting any exports and trade agreements, it's crucial to comply with U.S. and foreign regulations. Some products require certain licenses and some countries won't accept import.  To understand the basics, ITA has a videos explaining U.S. and foreign regulations

Their list of tools also includes U.S. Export Controls, Consolidated Screening List, and Automated Export Systems. ITA tracks and explains trade agreements that could impact a company's ability to export products. Users can learn about free trade agreements, which doesn't charge tariffs, and learn about any other trade agreements between countries. 

Resolving Trade Problems

ITA offers government services to help U.S. businesses resolve common trade problems. Some specific situations and services can be seen below: 

This advocates and assists businesses on bidding on public-sector contracts with overseas governments and government agencies.

Foreign trade barriers, which are foreign government policies, practices, or procedures that unfairly or unnecessarily restricts U.S. exports, can be addressed through ITA. 

Commercial diplomacy assistance gives support to address challenges and opportunities in foreign markets.

International Businesses

ITA offers international businesses information and services if they want to connect with U.S. companies. Resources for them depend on what the company's home country is. ITA also plays a role in SelectUSA, which is a U.S. program established to facilitate business investment in the United States. International businesses can grow, and success in the U.S. market is the right step. 

OSU Resources

The OSU Library also offers resources and publications from the International Trade Administration. They include:
Extra Resources

Tradeology is the official blog of ITA and keeps patrons up to date on what they're doing. 

Read about multiple U.S. businesses that have found success through ITA's help.

ITA is a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Learn more about their work.

Eager to know more? Start here.

Government Information Online is produced by the staff at the Oklahoma State University Libraries Government Documents Department, a regional depository for U.S. Government and Oklahoma state government documents. We are located on the 5th floor of the Edmon Low Library. Our department website can be reached at For more information or for research assistance, contact us at 405.744.6546. or email
